Our Start, Our Mission, Your Future

Our History

United Farmers Cooperative started in 1915 as Lafayette Co-op Creamery when a group of farmers joined together to achieve better prices for their milk products in Lafayette, Minnesota. From just two employees, United Farmers Cooperative has grown to a team of over 200.

But no matter our growth, our roots have always been firmly planted in our people and the members we serve. We reinvest locally for the betterment of our communities and owners.

The Cooperative Business Model: Stronger Together

In the world of agriculture, where uncertainty often reigns supreme, growers will find strength in unity through the agriculture cooperative business model. Cooperatives bring together growers with a shared interest in improving their economic well-being, enhancing market access, and collectively addressing the challenges of farming. The cooperative business model is more important to growers than ever before thanks to market volatility, global demand, rising costs, and more. Check out our blog post on "The Cooperative Business Model: Stronger Together" for an explanation of the cooperative business model and the benefits it delivers to member-owners.

our mission

Our mission is to deliver high-quality, dependable products, services and insights to those who count on us to achieve their goals.

our vision

Our vision is to provide sustainable solutions and exceptional service that enables current and future generations to achieve success.

our Value

We value our history and deep roots, but we value putting that experience to work for you, even more.

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